Benefits of Gas Fireplace Inserts

August 27, 2020 11:36 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Wood-burning stoves are great for warmth and coziness, but not so great for the air quality. Today, more people are turning to gas fireplace inserts in Wausau, WI to heat their homes and add both beauty and functionality to their current fireplaces.

Could a gas insert be right for you? Read on to learn more about these popular and cozy home accessories.

What is a gas fireplace insert?

If you already have a fireplace in your home, you can easily install a gas insert. They’re built to fit into a pre-existing masonry fireplace and simply need a gas hookup to operate. Gas inserts use a sealed combustion system, which draws air in from outside the chamber to fuel the fire. This is so efficient that many homes can turn down the furnace—and occasionally forgo the heater entirely.

Gas inserts in Wausau, WI need to be installed by a professional, since the process requires working with combustible natural gas. If you choose a vented model, they’ll also need to confirm that the vents are aligned and functioning properly. However, this is a very quick, easy installation when you work with seasoned professionals.

Advantages of gas fireplace inserts

Curious about the benefits associated with gas fireplace inserts? Here are some things to get excited about:

  • Clean-burning: Wood-burning fires are lovely, but they release plenty of smoke, harmful chemicals and components into the air—so much so that cities and counties may issue fireplace bans on particularly poor air quality days. Gas fireplaces are clean-burning and produce significantly less smoke, making them an environmentally-friendly choice.
  • Heats large areas: Depending on how large your home is and whether you have an open floor plan, you can easily heat areas from 1,000 to 3,000 square feet. That makes it great for heating large and small rooms alike, and since the fire is adjustable, you’ll be able to select the right level for your room. What’s more, gas fireplace inserts generate heat at a 65 to 90 percent efficiency level, whereas traditional fireplaces operate at around 10 to 20 percent efficiency. That’s a huge difference that can heat your home a lot faster.
  • Easy to operate: If you love the idea of having a cozy fire at the flip of a switch—and the ability to adjust the fire temperature to your exact preferences—gas fireplace inserts in Wausau, WI are the right choice for you. Starting the fire involves flipping a switch much like your home light switches, and a thermostat makes it easy to control the heat level.
  • A variety of styles: No matter what your decorative style may be, there’s a fireplace insert for you. Manufacturers design inserts to easily fit into most standard fireplaces, but there are plenty of custom options if you have a more unusual design. Different colors, finishes and configurations make them suitable for any home.
  • Safe and easy to maintain: Finally, gas fireplaces are completely safe to use and easy to keep clean—just have them cleaned and inspected once per year.

For gas inserts in Wausau, WI, let Marcell’s Specialties Inc. help. We can supply and install your insert when you stop by or call today.

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