Fire Pits vs. Fire Tables: What’s the Difference?

August 11, 2020 8:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The idea of a fire is comforting and relaxing in a very primal way. People have been gathering around the flames for thousands of years, and something just feels good about continuing this tradition. An indoor fire is always a welcome sight in the colder months, but an outdoor fire can really be something to behold, too. If you’re looking into an outdoor fire table in Wausau, WI, or even a fire pit, there are some key differences between these products that you’ll want to understand before ordering. Fortunately, our 70 years in the business here at Marcell’s Specialties Inc. means we’re well-equipped to explain these differences. Read on to learn more before making your decision.

What is a fire pit?

Fire pits are a more basic option for having an outdoor fire feature, and come in a countless number of styles and sizes. A fire pit can be installed as a permanent patio feature that includes stunning masonry, or it can be a relatively simple affair in the back of your yard that you dig yourself and line with some stones. You want to be careful about which stones you choose, however, as stones with higher moisture content can crack under the intense heat produced by a roaring fire. Additionally, fire pits offer a versatility that a fire table in Wausau, WI can’t always match, since they’re available in so many different styles.

What is a fire table?

A fire table is a more formalized option than a fire pit, and offers a pronounced degree of sophistication. While a fire pit can be as basic as a hole in the ground where the kids can toast marshmallows, fire tables tend to be more architectural statement pieces. They can usually be used as a more intimate piece that allows smaller groups to gather closer together. Additionally, they tend to be powered by gas that burns at the center of a smooth granite tabletop in a small pit. In this way, an outdoor fire table in Wausau, WI can burn quite a bit cleaner than fire pits that rely more on smoky wood.

What else to know

One more thing to note about outdoor fire tables in Wausau, WI is that they tend to be more permanent, as they’re more likely to rely on masonry that can’t be changed on a whim. No matter which option you pick, you also need to make sure you’re installing all fireproofing measures possible. This includes permanent stone linings and mesh screens to prevent sparks and embers from flying away and causing problems.

If you think that a fire feature could be just what your yard or patio area is missing, it’s time to give Marcell’s Specialties Inc. a call. We have years of experience in this business and we’ve helped thousands of customers create the ideal entertaining and gathering spaces in their own backyards. We are one of Wisconsin’s premier providers, and we’d love to work with you next—reach out to us today to schedule a consultation!

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