Five Things Not to Burn in Your Fireplace

January 13, 2021 11:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Fireplaces make great additions to any space, but it’s important to follow some fireplace burning tips in Wausau, WI to make sure your fireplace stays in the best possible working condition for many years to come. There are a lot of things that should be kept out of fireplaces, but a lot of homeowners aren’t sure about what can and cannot be burned. With this in mind, keep reading to learn more about what should and should not be burned in a fireplace.

Burning some things in a fireplace can increase the risk of house fires and create other problems for homeowners. Here are some of the things that should be kept out of the fireplace to ensure fireplace safety in Wausau, WI:

  • Dyed paper: Any paper that has been colored or dyed should be kept out of the fireplace. When dyed or colored paper is burned, it can release noxious fumes and carcinogens into the air, creating a serious health and safety risk for people enjoying the fire. With that in mind, it’s best to avoid burning any dyed or colored paper in the fireplace, including cereal boxes, wrapping paper and magazines.
  • Plastics: Any plastic, no matter how small or thin, should be kept out of the fire. Burning plastic is a serious health hazard. When plastic is burned, it releases toxic chemicals into the air that are harmful to people’s health, as well as to the environment.
  • Manufactured wood: Like plastic, manufactured wood contains a variety of chemical treatments and other ingredients that can release noxious fumes when they are burned. Never put particle board, plywood or any other manufactured wood in the fireplace.
  • Wet wood: Burning wet wood can create a lot of problems for fireplaces. Wet wood generates more soot and debris when it burns, leading to a more rapid accumulation of ash in fireplaces and chimneys. It’s always best to burn seasoned wood to prevent extra strain on chimneys and keep fireplaces as clean as possible during the winter months.
  • Christmas trees: A lot of people chop up their Christmas trees and burn them once the holidays are over, but this is not a good practice. Christmas trees might seem like a good fuel source for fires, but they can actually cause problems for homeowners. Christmas trees generate a significant amount of smoke when they are burned, causing respiratory and eye irritation for people who are near the fire. In addition, Christmas trees contain a high level of resin, which can crackle and snap when exposed to fire, causing debris to jump out of the fireplace.

Call for professional fireplace services

If you have more questions about fireplace safety in Wausau, WI, or you’re looking for help with professional fireplace cleaning and maintenance services, the team at Marcell’s Specialties Inc. is here to help. With over 70 years of experience providing comprehensive chimney and fireplace services to our customers, our team has the expertise necessary to assist you with everything from chimney cleaning to fireplace design and installation. Call us today to get started with a consultation!

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