Fireplace Inserts: What You Need to Know

August 12, 2021 2:42 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There’s nothing like a roaring fire, a good book and your favorite beverage to get through the cold winter months. If you have small children or pets, however, that can be a dangerous proposition. Plus, who wants to split firewood all season long?

Fireplace inserts may be the answer to your problems. There are three broad categories: wood, gas and electric. Here’s what you need to know about these options.

Wood fireplace inserts

Wood-burning fireplace inserts are much more effective at distributing heat than a traditional masonry fireplace—that’s why they’ve been around for over 100 years. This option uses an exhaust connector and flue to vent smoke and excess heat, sending the warm air out through the fireplace vents into your home.

You probably won’t need to replace your old fireplace and chimney, but you will need to outfit it so it can vent appropriately. All in all, the prices for the insert and professional installation will range from $2,000 to $5,000. Don’t skip the professional installation—you could cause serious health issues if it’s not properly installed. Similarly, creosote will build up in your chimney, which leads to devastating chimney fires.

Wood-burning fireplace inserts are a great way to get the look and feel of a cozy fire, but with much less mess and danger. Your kids and pets will be a lot safer.

Gas fireplace inserts

Gas fireplaces are a great option if you don’t want a wood-burning fireplace. You’ll use gas logs to create the appearance of a wood-burning fire, without exposing yourself to the hazards they entail. Direct vent gas fireplace inserts have two vents: one for drawing in air, and the other for venting exhaust. They can usually be installed in your existing chimney.

Many gas fireplaces come with extra bells and whistles. A blower sends the heat out into your living room, while remotes and accent lighting make it easy and attractive to operate. Obviously, you will need to have a nearby gas line to run a gas fireplace insert.

Electric fireplace inserts

Electric inserts provide very little actual heat from a flame. Instead, they have heating elements and blowers, which direct the heat into your home. Some electric fireplace inserts create flame-like appearances with LED lights and other innovative tricks.

As you might imagine, electric fireplaces use plenty of electricity to achieve a fireplace effect. If your primary goal is to cut down on your annual heating bill, you may want to opt for a different type of insert or add a pellet stove. However, if aesthetic appearance is your primary focus, electric fireplace inserts can be a great choice.

When installing an electric insert, you’ll need to have a nearby verified electrical circuit. This will prevent blown fuses and electrical fires.

Not sure which type of fireplace insert is right for your home? Call or stop by Marcell’s Specialties Inc. today to check out our selection. We’ll help you find the perfect fireplace insert to get you through the cold winter ahead.

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