Trending Ideas for Your Fireplace Design

October 29, 2021 12:32 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A fireplace is a great addition for any space, whether it’s a home or business. You can have a beautiful, functional, cozy fireplace that enhances a room and makes it welcoming. It’s perfect for the family or any guests to enjoy while boosting the property’s resale value.

Every year, there are new fireplace designs and trends that redefine this classic feature. Let’s look at the trending fireplace designs for 2021.

Convertible fireplaces

You have many options when it comes to fireplaces. Wood or gas? Open or closed viewing? With convertible fireplaces, you don’t have to choose one over the other. This year, versatility is in high demand.

For example, a sealed gas fireplace might be the right choice for those with young children in the room who have safety as their highest priority—but once the little ones are in bed, you might want to stoke the flames of an open fire. With a convertible fireplace, you can do both.

Extra-large fireplaces

Some fireplaces merely complement the space they’re in. Others define the space with their eye-catching beauty. Massive fireplaces with ornate chimneys and sizable viewing areas remain on trend. For those with a flair for the dramatic—and a large enough space to accommodate one—an extra-large fireplace is an excellent choice. These bold fireplaces are often found in commercial spaces like hotels and ski lodges but can also fit into larger homes.

Frameless fireplaces

These fireplaces offer a sleek look that complements modern design nicely. Frameless fireplaces are built flush with the wall and don’t include a mantel. This was one of the leading trends for 2020 and has stuck around this year. Whether it’s gas or wood powered, this seamless fireplace can be surrounded by tile, marble or stone. It includes clean, sharp edges and is typically viewed through single-sided glass.

Three-sided corner fireplaces

Again, these have a clean and modernized appearance. Three-sided corner units make a practical use of space. They offer warmth and coziness without sacrificing space unnecessarily. A quality three-sided corner fireplace is designed to be strong and luxurious. Sometimes these are also referred to as peninsula fireplaces.

Indoor/outdoor double-sided fireplaces

These include fireplaces that are useful for warming both the indoors and outdoors. These units work perfectly with stonework or a rustic mantel. You can custom build these fireplaces to fit with the aesthetic of your home or business.

Four-sided glass fireplaces

These are ultra-contemporary pieces that include glass on all sides. This is a trendy, sophisticated look perfect for highlighting clean, linear designs. Because of the abundance of glass, they bring plenty of warmth and light to any room.

For decades, Marcell’s Specialties Inc. has been building, repairing and renovating fireplaces for a range of commercial and residential clients in Wausau, WI. Our showroom includes a variety of fireplaces, accessories, fire pits, fire tables and more. We also offer full-service chimney sweeping to keep your fireplace ready for use and safe. Give us a call today to learn more about our products and services.

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