What To Consider When Adding a Fireplace to an Existing Home

June 4, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A fireplace traditionally symbolized a place of warmth. However, when wood fires became less popular in recent decades, people built many new houses without them. Despite the growing popularity of fireplace-equipped homes, many homes don’t include one. As a result, many people ask, "Is it possible to add a fireplace to my home?" or "Can you add a fireplace to an existing house?" Yes, installing a fireplace in an existing home is possible! A fireplace can be a big addition to your home or rental property.

If you would like to add a fireplace to your existing home, here are several things you need to consider.


Fireplace installation costs should be the first thing to consider. Building a fireplace can be expensive, and some factors may influence the cost, like choosing the masonry materials.

Know your budget, and calculate running costs like wood, propane, and maintenance. Consider also buying an annual service contract with a qualified fireplace and chimney inspector to improve the life of your fireplace.

Designs and Styles

Your selected type of fireplace will determine how complex or simple the design and installation work will be and the cost involved. For example, old-fashioned, extensive masonry fireplaces with cultured stone or brick façades can be expensive. Expect to spend more on your project if you want that kind of look.

However, there are better choices for most homeowners. Modern fireplaces, gas-fueled and wood-burning, are easier to install than traditional models. Pre-built fireplaces are also very easy to install. They only need the firewall opening to place them in.

Know Your Local Building Code

Building codes differ from location to location. Therefore, it’s essential to know your local building codes and regulations regarding fireplace safety. For example, some counties restrict certain emissions levels for residential heating appliances.

If you are thinking of a wood fireplace, some regions regulate the design and height of your chimney. Before you add a fireplace to your existing home, make sure you have read and understand the building code of your region.

You can also work with a skilled local installer or contractor who is familiar with the building code regulations in your area.

Wood or Gas Fireplace

Going for a wood fireplace will incur the cost of installing a chimney and require following local building codes. However, it is often worth it because a good number of residential property owners love being surrounded by an old-fashioned flame and the sound of crackling logs and rising flames.

On the other hand, gas is an excellent fuel because it’s convenient and clean. In addition, gas fireplaces have state-of-the-art designs that make them very easy to install. Some don’t require a whole chimney for venting. They require just a simple pipe, while others don’t need any venting system.


The placement of your new fireplace will affect the density and cost of the entire work. Gas fireplaces require simpler venting. Therefore, they can be positioned in various areas in a home that can’t work for wood fireplaces. Small gas units are perfect for kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms.

A wood fireplace can be set up against an outside wall to build a suitable chimney. You can consult an installer or contractor regarding positioning options that will work well in your home.

Bottom Line

Adding a fireplace to your existing home doesn’t need to break a bank. You just need to select the right fireplace for your needs.

To install a fireplace in your existing home, contact Marcell’s Specialties Inc. at  (715) 848-5194. We have professional fireplace installation, repair and maintenance technicians to help with all your fireplace requirements. Try us, and decorate your home with a custom fireplace that complements your home while prioritizing your comfort during cold days.

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