Important Maintenance Information You Need to Know if You Have a Fireplace

September 18, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A fireplace is a great feature for any home. It can help make the home warmer in the cooler months, they are pretty to look at, and they can be a great focal point. Knowing how to care for your fireplace can make a huge difference in how well it works for you and how safe it is. To learn more, keep reading.

Why is It Important to Get My Fireplace Cleaned?

It is important to either clean your fireplace yourself or have it cleaned professionally, for a few reasons. The first is that a dirty fireplace is going to put soot and grime into the home. A dirty fireplace can leave soot on the hearth, it can put soot on the walls and floor, and it can put soot on you. Even when you are not using it, the soot has a way of getting everywhere.

Another reason is that the air from a dirty fireplace is going to be hard on your lungs. It can be hard to breathe, it can cause allergies, and it can make the room unpleasant. The last, and perhaps most important reason, is that a dirty fireplace is incredibly dangerous. The soot and ash that collects in the chimney when wood is burned can catch on fire and create flash back.

If the fireplace is dirty and there is a great deal of dirt and soot, it can catch fire and can burn back down into the home, causing the home to catch on fire. This can happen in a matter of minutes and can happen when you least expect it.

Does My Fireplace Need to Be Cleaned?

Fireplaces need to be cleaned, and they need to be cleaned more often than you might realize. As a general rule, you should clean your fireplace when you shut it up for the spring and summer, and then again when you open it up for the fall and winter.

The reason for this is that you need to make sure that any soot or grime from using your fireplace during the winter is removed when you close it up and that any animal nests or other debris are removed before you start using your fireplace again.

You can have a professional chimney cleaning company come and maintain your fireplace for you and help you keep the fireplace clean and ready for use. You can also use chimney cleaning logs that help to burn off the creatine to help keep your fireplace clean and to help keep you safe when using your fireplace this winter and fall.

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