How the Cold Weather Effects Your Fireplace and Chimney

January 4, 2023 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

A fireplace is a great thing to have when the winter arrives and colder temperatures are the norm. That being said, colder weather does have the potential to damage your fireplace and chimney. Knowing how lower temperatures can affect your chimney and fireplace can help you make moves to protect them this winter.

Does Cold Weather Damage Your Chimney?

Your biggest concern with winter weather and your chimney is potential damage to the mortar that holds the chimney together. As the water gets into the cracks and seams of your chimney, it can freeze and expand, potentially damaging the mortar and even dislodging pieces of it. If that happens, it can compromise the overall integrity of the chimney and can make repairs necessary. This process is called spalling, which is very common with brick-and-mortar chimneys.

Another issue you may come up against is leaks due to the increased water that a chimney is likely to face with snow and other winter precipitation. During the summer, the chimney is closed up, and therefore the water is not as big of an issue. You can get waterproofing solutions that help waterproof your chimney and protect it from weather and water.

 Still another issue you might be dealing with is damaged flashing and a damaged chimney cap or crown. During the winter, it is especially important to ensure that the flashing around your chimney is waterproof and does not let water into the home’s attic space. You also need to make sure that your chimney cap is in good shape to prevent water from coming down into the chimney.

Is Cold Weather Bad for Chimneys?

For a chimney that is not winterized or in good shape, yes, cold weather can be very damaging to your chimney. For a chimney that has been properly maintained and readied for the winter, cold weather will be less of an issue.

The best way to protect your chimney this winter is to ensure that it is inspected and serviced before the winter arrives. Having regular inspections is the best way to spot issues before they become major problems that affect the overall integrity of your chimney. An inspection will also help present you with solutions that can help you get your chimney ready for the winter and any issues that may come your way.

A chimney can make it through the winter unscathed. You just have to take the time to make the changes and put safeguards in place to help with the process.

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