April 14, 2023
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Keeping your fireplace clean and maintained is an essential part of safety. Here are some signs that you may be overdue for a chimney cleaning. Bird Or Animal Nests Birds and other animals build nests to provide a safe and warm place for their young to live. They use a wide range of materials including fur, leaves, grasses, mosses, twigs, branches, bones, and even wool and spider silk. The type of nest a bird chooses depends on its location and environment. On some occasions, the venue can be your chimney. With that said, it’s definitely time to clean your chimney... View Article
March 21, 2023
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After a long, cold winter, your fireplace is probably feeling a little tired. But there are still a few things you can do to prepare your fireplace for this spring season. Clean The Flue Keeping your chimney clean is the single most important thing you can do to keep your home and family safe. Whether you have a gas- or oil-fired appliance, you need to ensure the flue is in tip-top shape. The first step is to inspect the chimney for damage or build-up of creosote. To do this, use a flashlight to shine into the flue and smoke chamber.... View Article
March 7, 2023
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Spring is often the time of year that homeowners notice their chimneys are starting to run into issues. If left untreated, these problems could grow worse and lead to major repairs. The best way to avoid these problems is to have a certified chimney technician come out and inspect your chimney once a year. But that’s not always possible, especially if you live in a warmer climate. Moisture During the rainy spring months, your chimney may begin to show signs of moisture issues. These may appear as stains on the inside of the chimney or a white stain in sections... View Article
February 18, 2023
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A fireplace can be a great feature in any home and can bring warmth to a room. When it comes to decorating, you need to take not only the way it looks into account but also how safe those decorations are. Fireplaces are responsible for many home fires, and making sure that the decorations you put in place are safe can make a big difference. How Can I Decorate My Fireplace Safely? One of the first things you want to keep in mind is that you need to ensure that the mantle is far enough away from the opening. The... View Article
February 4, 2023
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Your fireplace is a great source of heat and comfort and a great design feature in the home. Making sure that you take care of it, that you are keeping it in good shape, and that you are only burning things you should be burning is a must. You might think you can burn anything in a fireplace, but there are some things that you should avoid for your own health and the overall health of your fireplace. What Should You Not Put in a Fireplace? The first thing that you should avoid putting in your fireplace is wet wood. Wet... View Article