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Important Safety Tips for Decorating Your Fireplace

February 18, 2023 Published by Leave your thoughts

A fireplace can be a great feature in any home and can bring warmth to a room. When it comes to decorating, you need to take not only the way it looks into account but also how safe those decorations are. Fireplaces are responsible for many home fires, and making sure that the decorations you put in place are safe can make a big difference. How Can I Decorate My Fireplace Safely? One of the first things you want to keep in mind is that you need to ensure that the mantle is far enough away from the opening. The... View Article

URGENT: Do Not Burn These Things in Your Fireplace

February 4, 2023 Published by Leave your thoughts

Your fireplace is a great source of heat and comfort and a great design feature in the home. Making sure that you take care of it, that you are keeping it in good shape, and that you are only burning things you should be burning is a must. You might think you can burn anything in a fireplace, but there are some things that you should avoid for your own health and the overall health of your fireplace. What Should You Not Put in a Fireplace? The first thing that you should avoid putting in your fireplace is wet wood. Wet... View Article

Knowing the Signs of a Blocked Chimney

January 18, 2023 Published by Leave your thoughts

A fireplace and a chimney are great things, but when they are blocked, it can be impossible to use them and can also pose great danger. Knowing how to spot a blocked chimney can help you get your fireplace up and running this winter. There are a few signs you can look out for that will help you determine whether your chimney needs to be cleaned and unblocked. Can a Chimney Get Clogged? A chimney can certainly get clogged. It can get clogged by any number of things. Birds’ nests, debris from trees like leaves and sticks, soot, mouse nests and... View Article

How the Cold Weather Effects Your Fireplace and Chimney

January 4, 2023 Published by Leave your thoughts

A fireplace is a great thing to have when the winter arrives and colder temperatures are the norm. That being said, colder weather does have the potential to damage your fireplace and chimney. Knowing how lower temperatures can affect your chimney and fireplace can help you make moves to protect them this winter. Does Cold Weather Damage Your Chimney? Your biggest concern with winter weather and your chimney is potential damage to the mortar that holds the chimney together. As the water gets into the cracks and seams of your chimney, it can freeze and expand, potentially damaging the mortar... View Article

The Top 10 Fireplace Decorating Ideas for Winter

December 18, 2022 Published by Leave your thoughts

Your winter home decor would not be complete without some fireplace adornments. Remember to work on that part of your home decor if you want to create something truly spectacular. So, what are the best winter fireplace decor ideas? Check out the items detailed below if you are seeking suggestions. 1. Play With Color Combinations Changing the colors of your fireplace is a great way to instantly make that part of your home more visually intriguing. You can even turn your fireplace color scheme into an evolving part of your home decor. Go from exhibiting the fall colors of yellow... View Article