Categories for Grilling Tips

How to Use a Charcoal Chimney

July 31, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you a fan of using charcoal for your grilling? There are a variety of methods you can use to get the best results from your cooking, including the ways you stack your coals when starting up the grill. A charcoal chimney is a product you can purchase that helps you properly light the grill in an extremely efficient way. You won’t even need to use lighter fluid to get it started! The chimney is essentially a metal cylinder, which allows for heat to build up in a more concentrated area to start the stacked coals more quickly. Rising hot... View Article

Grilling Tips to Help Save You Money and Energy

July 1, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

When you cook in the summer, you’re not just consuming energy with your oven—it’s also more likely that you’ll need to keep your air conditioner running to counteract the heat it creates. Consider how much extra energy this means you’re consuming in your home, especially if you have an electric oven. A great way to save money and energy is to grill out during the summer. Grilling out isn’t just a fun seasonal activity—it’s also highly practical to help you decrease your energy consumption over the summer and lower your monthly utility bills. This is true whether you’re using gas... View Article