Save Money This Winter with a Wood Stove in Wausau, WI

December 6, 2018 8:32 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When someone mentions a wood burning stove, images of large, clunky and inefficient old-time stoves might come to mind. Although the same principles of these wood stoves of old are still used, the design has changed tremendously over the years, and modern versions are actually a highly efficient and effective way to heat your home. Read on to learn more about just how much money you could save if you switched to this heating solution, as well as some of the other benefits that heating your home with a wood stove in Wausau, WI can provide.

The many benefits of wood stoves

Modern wood burning stoves offer many benefits that furnace heating cannot. One of the biggest advantages of wood stoves is the radiant heat that they produce. Heat comes from all sides of the stove, and it can warm an area faster and more efficiently as a result. It is also reassuring to know that even if your neighborhood is experiencing a power outage due to a winter storm, your wood stove will keep right on burning to keep your family warm when you need it the most. Wood stoves also serve as one of the only heating sources that can also add to the décor and aesthetic of any room. On top of all of this, the savings you will be able to enjoy when switching to these higher efficiency, cost-effective models is unmatched.

Compare the savings

If you still aren’t convinced that wood stoves are worth consideration this winter, think about the switch in terms of dollars and cents. Take, for example, a 1,500 square foot house in a climate that experiences mild winters. You might spend anywhere in the range of $2,000 or more annually on heating costs with an oil furnace, and just under $4,000 for propane. With yearly heating costs coming in at around $1,500 or less, wood stoves can cut propane furnace costs by more than half. If you utilize baseboard heating in your home, a wood stove could save you nearly $3,000 per winter.

These types of savings are already noteworthy enough on their own, but when you add up the savings over an extended period of time, the installation costs of the wood stove will be paid for within a few short years. Additionally, wood as a fuel source is far less costly than oil, gas and electricity, which helps to keep costs down as well.

If you are ready to take the step towards utilizing this cost-effective heating solution, contact us at Marcell’s Specialties Inc. Nobody wants to get caught in the cold during the winter, which is why it is so important to us to help you find heating solutions that are affordable, reliable and safe. To work with a team whose number one goal is to keep your family comfortable and cozy all winter long, give us a call today to learn more about how investing in a wood stove in Wausau, WI for your home can benefit you.

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