The Financial Benefits of a Gas Fireplace in Wausau, WI

February 20, 2019 10:40 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

There are a lot of benefits that come with having a gas fireplace in Wausau, WI. They can help you warm interior spaces in your home, and can add a lot of aesthetic value as well. And of course, there’s no denying the comfort and relaxation that comes with being able to bask in the warmth and glow of a fireplace after you’ve had a long, stressful day.

What you might not realize is that there are also a number of financial benefits associated with having a gas fireplace. They are extremely inexpensive to operate due to their high level of efficiency, and can actually help you cut down on your gas bills in some circumstances.

Here’s some information to consider if you’re thinking about putting a fireplace into your home and aren’t sure if you want to go with a wood or gas fireplace.

Zone heating

Your gas fireplace can be used to effectively zone heat your home. This means you can turn the temperature down on your central thermostat and use your gas fireplace to heat the main living areas in your house. This is an extremely effective and efficient method because it cuts down on the amount of energy you need to use with your central furnace to push large amounts of hot air through your home’s whole duct system. Gas fireplaces, in comparison, are able to deliver heat directly to the area in which you’re spending the most time and offer you immediate warmth rather than having to rely on your ductwork.


You have multiple options for the type of gas fireplace you’ll install in your home, depending on what exactly you’re looking for out of your new fireplace. Two of the most common types of gas fireplaces are standing pilot and intermittent pilot systems.

A standing pilot system is always lit, and will burn a pilot flame 24/7. An intermittent pilot ignition system, meanwhile, conserves energy in that it only lights up when the unit is turned on and is operational, rather than keeping a pilot flame lit around the clock. This intermittent system, a newer technology that has rapidly gained popularity over the old standing pilot systems in gas fireplaces, is yet another great way to reduce gas consumption. You can save $10 a month or more in your utility bills simply through your fireplace alone.

Battery backup

Intermittent pilot ignition systems also often come with a built-in battery backup feature. This means you can light up and use the gas fireplace to warm up your main living areas even if you’re experiencing a power outage. This is significant if you lose power in the middle of winter and need to be able to keep warm until utility crews restore power to your home. Just make sure you have the correct batteries on hand!

For more information about your options with regard to gas fireplaces in Wausau, WI and how they work, please reach out to the experts at Marcell’s Specialties Inc. today.

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