June 15, 2020
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Incorporating a fire feature in your backyard or patio is one of the best ways to boost your home’s resale value and help entertain friends and family, but there are several fireplace types in Wausau, WI, and figuring out which one is right for you can be tough. This post will cover a few of the outdoor fire products we install. Wood-burning Wood-burning fire pits and fireplaces have been around for centuries, and for good reason! Wood-burning outdoor products have a variety of benefits and uses—here are some of them: Fireplace: Just like an indoor one, an outdoor fireplace is... View Article
June 1, 2020
Published by Writer
Adding a fire pit or fireplace to your outdoor living space is a fantastic way to create a focal point and help ensure you get year-round use out of your backyard. So, the question isn’t whether or not you need an outdoor fire feature—it’s choosing between a fireplace and a fire pit. The good news is that we’re here to help make your decision easier. This post will cover the benefits of both fire pit and outdoor fireplace installation in Wausau, WI. Function The first thing to consider is how you’ll use your outdoor fire feature. Do you plan on... View Article
May 7, 2020
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If you’re someone who loves to grill during the summer months, you probably get plenty of use out of your grill. Over time, like any other piece of equipment around your home, your grill will experience some wear and tear that may make repairs or replacement required. There are certain problems that can be addressed with simple grill repair in Wausau, WI. In most cases, your choice of whether to repair or replace depends on the extent of the damage, rather than the type of damage. Some of the most common problems include a grill that won’t light, low flame... View Article
April 23, 2020
Published by Writer
A traditional fireplace has a mantel over the top, but not all homes that have fireplaces are fully built out with mantels. There are a variety of benefits that come with having a fireplace mantel—the mantel was traditionally placed above the fireplace to display special items, and it was usually a symbol of luxury. If you want to create a traditional, attractive-looking fireplace, then you should be certain to include a fireplace mantel in Wausau, WI. Mantels, cabinetry and other structural additions add a sense of style to a fireplace, but also extra functionality. When paired with a stone surround... View Article
April 13, 2020
Published by Writer
Even as many parts of the country are closing up their fireplaces for the remainder of the year, the citizens of Wisconsin and other northern states still have several weeks to go before the fire-burning season is well and truly over. If you’re still burning fires and practicing smart fireplace preparation in Wausau, WI, here are some tips to stay safe and comfortable. Keep burning good wood Any conscientious homeowner understands that burning green or unseasoned wood isn’t just a pain to keep burning, but it can also undermine the integrity of your fireplace. So, even as many local distributors... View Article