Categories for Grilling Tips

Important Tips for Better Grilling This Summer

June 18, 2022 Published by Leave your thoughts

How can I grill better this summer? Summertime is synonymous with grilling. Whether you’re cooking up burgers and hot dogs or throwing on some steaks or chicken, grilled food just tastes better than anything else. But if you’re not careful, your grilling session can go from delicious to disaster in a hurry. What do I need to know about grilling? Here are some tips to help you grill better this summer: 1. Choose the Right Grill One of the most important factors in grilling success is choosing the right grill. If you’re going to be cooking for a large group,... View Article

Tips and Tricks for Grilling Like a Pro!

April 27, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

Are you looking to improve your grilling game? There are plenty of easy ways to boost your grilling skills and start cooking like a pro. With the right skills, you won’t even have to buy expensive cooking tools—investing in the right meat thermometer, grill and spatula might be all you need. Follow these grilling tips to become one of the best barbecue hosts in your Wausau, WI neighborhood. Find the right fuel A good barbecue starts with the right fuel source. There are plenty of options out there, including charcoal, wood and propane. Many people prefer charcoal because of the... View Article

What Is a Grill Mat? Here’s Why You Should Own One

January 28, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

A grill mat is a great way to prevent unnecessary loss of food and keep your grill looking clean. This mat, usually made of Teflon, is placed on top of the grill, minimizing food lost into the grill and preventing contact with the grill as well. This also means that your food will be cooked more evenly. However, some people wonder whether using a grill mat is safe and how many times can you use a grill mat in Wausau, WI. Read on to find out about all the advantages of using a grill mat. Better grilling The fact is... View Article

Four Different Fuel Types for Your Grill

July 28, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

There’s nothing better than a backyard barbecue, especially now that the weather has turned warmer. Having family and friends over is a pleasure during any summertime, and that doesn’t have to end now even with masks and social distancing. Grilling with loved ones is a timeless experience, and there are many different ways in which you can enjoy it. Grilling fuel in Wausau, WI is an important choice that you have to make when selecting your grilling equipment, as this decision can have a trickle-down effect on your techniques and your outcomes. Our team at Marcell’s Specialties Inc. has taken... View Article

The Best Grilling Woods in Wausau, WI for a Smoky BBQ Meal

August 14, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

When you’re grilling or smoking foods, you can use regular charcoal briquettes, or you can use larger wood chunks or smoking chips. Different types of wood have properties that lead to specific types of flavors, which can lend themselves very well to particular types of meat. Wood chunks are especially ideal for smoking because they burn very slowly and release their smoke over a much longer period of time than charcoal briquettes. Wood chips, meanwhile, burn hot and fast, and will release their smoke very quickly. So, what kind of wood should you try out for your smoking? It really... View Article