Categories for Fireplace Safety

URGENT: Do Not Burn These Things in Your Fireplace

February 4, 2023 Published by Leave your thoughts

Your fireplace is a great source of heat and comfort and a great design feature in the home. Making sure that you take care of it, that you are keeping it in good shape, and that you are only burning things you should be burning is a must. You might think you can burn anything in a fireplace, but there are some things that you should avoid for your own health and the overall health of your fireplace. What Should You Not Put in a Fireplace? The first thing that you should avoid putting in your fireplace is wet wood. Wet... View Article

9 Tips To Assure Fireplace Safety This Winter

December 4, 2022 Published by Leave your thoughts

The sight of a roaring fire in your fireplace during the winter is comforting. However, you should never forget the destructive potential that fire possesses. So, how do I make sure my fireplace is safe to use this winter? I feel confident that I am keeping my home as safe as possible by following the tips detailed below. 1. Inspect Your Fireplace Before the start of winter, you would be well served to inspect your fireplace. Examine the firebox and the chimney for cracks and other signs of damage. Smoke stains near your chimney are also indicators that your fireplace... View Article

Five Things Not to Burn in Your Fireplace

December 11, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

It can be soothing and satisfying to watch the flames licking properly-seasoned wood in a fireplace. Especially on a cold night when you’re curled up next to the fire, there’s nothing quite like the mesmerizing scene of fire’s slow consumption of a log. Wood meant for fireplaces is fine to burn, but there are some things to avoid burning in the fireplace. While it may be tempting to use the fireplace as an incinerator for unwanted paper goods or other flammable materials, there can be serious consequences if the wrong things are burned. Here are some things you should not... View Article

Five Things Not to Burn in Your Fireplace

January 13, 2021 Published by Leave your thoughts

Fireplaces make great additions to any space, but it’s important to follow some fireplace burning tips in Wausau, WI to make sure your fireplace stays in the best possible working condition for many years to come. There are a lot of things that should be kept out of fireplaces, but a lot of homeowners aren’t sure about what can and cannot be burned. With this in mind, keep reading to learn more about what should and should not be burned in a fireplace. Burning some things in a fireplace can increase the risk of house fires and create other problems... View Article

Fireplace Safety Tips for the Holidays

December 30, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

There are few things quite as cozy as cuddling up in front of a roaring fire, but it’s important to take some steps to make sure all your holiday fires are safe. The good news is that all it takes is a few simple fireplace safety tips in Wausau, WI to keep fireplaces in great condition and make sure they will continue working safely for many years to come. Keep reading for some helpful holiday fire prevention tips to keep you and your family safe this winter. Fireplace safety is a very important priority for homeowners, but a lot of... View Article