Categories for Wood Stoves

Seven Reasons to Invest in a Wood-Burning Stove in Wausau, WI

September 14, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

When you think of wood-burning stoves in Wausau, WI, what comes to mind? You may associate this style of stove with yesteryear and think of it as an outdated method of heating a home that has been surpassed by modern conveniences. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, a wood-burning stove in Wausau, WI offers several conveniences and advantages. Consider these benefits as summer turns into fall and winter waits around the corner. You just might decide that a wood-burning stove is the ideal solution for your heating needs this season: Flexibility: Did you know you can install... View Article

Save Money This Winter with a Wood Stove in Wausau, WI

December 6, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

When someone mentions a wood burning stove, images of large, clunky and inefficient old-time stoves might come to mind. Although the same principles of these wood stoves of old are still used, the design has changed tremendously over the years, and modern versions are actually a highly efficient and effective way to heat your home. Read on to learn more about just how much money you could save if you switched to this heating solution, as well as some of the other benefits that heating your home with a wood stove in Wausau, WI can provide. The many benefits of... View Article

Keep Your Wood Stove in Wausau, WI Burning All Night with These Tips!

October 20, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Now that fall has arrived and winter is coming soon, you’re probably getting more and more use out of your wood stove in Wausau, WI. While wood stoves can be effective at keeping your home warm when temperatures drop, it can be a challenge to keep your fire burning over the course of the night, which is typically when it gets the coldest. There’s no magic formula for keeping a wood stove burning through the night, but there are several things that you can do to keep it burning for as long as possible to keep your home warm during... View Article

Different Types of Grills Produce Different Results: Info from a Company Providing Wood Stoves in Wausau, WI

August 30, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Long gone are the days where dried hardwood was the only fuel source used for barbecue and grilling. Today there are all kinds of grills available, including pellet stoves and grills, charcoal grills, gas grills and electric grills, with charcoal and gas being far and away the most common. None of these methods is objectively better than the other—it all comes down to personal preference, and what you value most in your grilling processes. However, you’ll definitely see some differences in the results that come with using these various types of grills. Let’s take a closer look at a few... View Article

Why Pizza Aficionados Rave About Masonry Ovens

August 17, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

If you’re someone who truly cares about and appreciates a good-quality pizza, then your mouth probably waters just at the thought of a pizza cooked in a wood-fired stove. While most things related to food are subjective, this is just about as objective as you can get when it comes to talking about taste and flavor—a pizza cooked in a wood fired stove is simply better than other pizzas. But why exactly is this? What is it about wood stoves in Wausau, WI that make for a better pizza-cooking environment? Here are just a few of the reasons why pizza... View Article