Categories for Fireplace Mantel Ideas

Five Christmas Mantel Decoration Ideas

December 1, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s finally here—the holiday season is upon us! It’s a time for giving gifts, eating a little bit too much and decorating your home in the spirit of the season. Once you put up your tree and a few strings of lights, you might find yourself short on ideas. That’s no problem! If you’re lucky enough to have a sturdy fireplace mantel in your home, there are countless ways to express your joy. Here are some of the most innovative Christmas mantel décor ideas in Wausau, WI, courtesy of the team of fireplace experts at Marcell’s Specialties Inc. Express your... View Article

The Basics of Traditional Home Design

February 4, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Designing a custom home or remodeling an existing one gives you the opportunity to rethink the design and layout of your space. There are lots of different design styles out there for homeowners to choose from, each with their own unique features and decorative elements. Traditional home design continues to be a very popular option, but many homeowners aren’t exactly sure what it means for a home to have a traditional design aesthetic. Read on to learn more about traditional home design, which can even involve some creative fireplace mantel ideas in Wausau, WI. What is traditional home design? What... View Article

Important Fireplace and Mantel Decorating Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

December 3, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

Decorating for the holidays has already begun, from hanging strings of Christmas lights to dressing up the tree to decking the halls—everything is starting to look festive and grand! Another popular area to decorate in your home is the fireplace and fireplace mantel area, where stockings hang on hooks and wreaths are placed above rustic figurine village scenes. While this is a lovely tradition, you need to take care where you place these items throughout your home—especially when decorating near the fireplace. Stay safe and take the proper precautions when deciding where to put your decorations. Below are six tips... View Article

Different Ways to Style a Fireplace Mantel

November 13, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

Fireplaces add a lot of warm to a home, and not just in terms of the air temperature. They are very homey and welcoming, and are quite an attractive architectural feature to include in a room. It’s not just the fireplace itself that makes the statement, either—the mantel, when designed properly, can help you display your personality and style of decoration. The kinds of designs and décor you use with your fireplace mantel will depend largely on its size and the material it’s made out of (wood, stone, stucco, etc.). Here are just a few design tips for you to... View Article

How to Safely Decorate Your Fireplace Mantel for Summer

April 20, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

The mantel on your fireplace draws the eye of guests and is often the center of attention in a room. This is why choosing the right fireplace mantel decor in Wausau, WI is such a challenge for homeowners—what kinds of decoration will look visually appealing for each season? At Marcell’s Specialties Inc., we’ve had decades of experience building fireplaces and mantels for homeowners and know how important safe fireplace decoration is. In summer, your fireplace will most likely be unused, but that doesn’t mean it has to be ignored. Use your mantel to add a special something to your living... View Article